The Pdfcrowd API v2 is the new generation of our API. It is not 100% backward compatible but the changes are mostly syntactic and the migration from API v1 should be straightforward.
If you want to switch your current API v1 plan to API v2, please follow these steps:
- Activate the free API v2 trial in your account page.
- Follow the instructions below and migrate your API v1 implementation to API v2.
- If the API v2 works to your satisfaction, choose from our API v2 plans.
- If you no longer need the API v1 implementation, you can cancel the API v1 plan.
API v2 Links
lang | documentation | examples | error handling |
PHP | Documentation | Examples | Error handling |
Java | Documentation | Examples | Error handling |
.NET | Documentation | Examples | Error handling |
Ruby | Documentation | Examples | Error handling |
Python | Documentation | Examples | Error handling |
Node.js | Documentation | Examples | Error handling |
HTTP | Documentation | Examples | |
API v2 status codes |
API client libraries
If you use our API client library, install the latest version from the API home page. The library supports both API versions and you can easily run both implementations side by side under your current Pdfcrowd account.
The migration should consist of these steps:
- Instantiate the API v2 client.
- Migrate the convert*** method (the one that returns PDF).
- Migrate the conversion settings.
- Error handling (important)
API client instantiation
The code below shows how to instantiate API clients. The first line corresponds to what you have in your current API v1 implementation (client_v1). The second line shows how to instantiate the API v2 client (client_v2).
// PHP
client_v1 = new Pdfcrowd("username", "apikey")
client_v2 = new \Pdfcrowd\HtmlToPdfClient("username", "apikey")
// Java
Client client_v1 = new Client("username", "apikey");
Pdfcrowd.HtmlToPdfClient client_v2 = new Pdfcrowd.HtmlToPdfClient("username", "apikey");
// .NET
pdfcrowd.Client client_v1 = new pdfcrowd.Client("username", "apikey");
pdfcrowd.HtmlToPdfClient client_v2 = new pdfcrowd.HtmlToPdfClient("username", "apikey");
# Ruby
client_v1 = Pdfcrowd::Client.new("username", "apikey");
client_v2 = Pdfcrowd::HtmlToPdfClient.new("username", "apikey");
# Python
client_v1 = pdfcrowd.Client("username", "apikey")
client_v2 = pdfcrowd.HtmlToPdfClient("username", "apikey")
Conversion methods
The following table shows the mapping of conversion methods.
API v1 | Target | API v2 |
convertURI | file | convertUrlToFile |
variable | convertUrl | |
stream | convertUrlToStream | |
convertFile | file | convertFileToFile |
variable | convertFile | |
stream | convertFileToStream | |
convertHtml | file | convertStringToFile |
variable | convertString | |
stream | convertStringToStream |
Conversion settings methods
If your API implementation is in Node.js, continue below.
If your API v1 implementation customizes the conversion settings, check the following table to find the corresponding API v2 functionality.
API v1 | API v2 | Details |
setPageWidth | setPageWidth | see Units |
setPageHeight | setPageHeight | see Units |
setPageMargins | setPageMargins | see Units |
setHorizontalMargin | setMarginTop setMarginBottom or setPageMargins |
see Units |
setVerticalMargin | setMarginLeft setMarginRight or setPageMargins |
see Units |
setFooterHtml | setFooterHtml | see Header and footer variables |
setFooterUrl | setFooterUrl | see Header and footer variables |
setHeaderHtml | setHeaderHtml | see Header and footer variables |
setHeaderUrl | setHeaderUrl | see Header and footer variables |
setHeaderFooterPageExcludeList | setExcludeHeaderOnPages setExcludeFooterOnPages |
setPageNumberingOffset | setPageNumberingOffset | |
enableImages | setDisableImageLoading | invert the argument value |
enableBackgrounds | setNoBackground | invert the argument value |
enableJavaScript | setDisableJavascript | invert the argument value |
setDefaultTextEncoding | setDefaultEncoding | API v1 defaults to "utf-8", API v2 tries to auto-detect the encoding |
usePrintMedia | setUsePrintMedia | |
setEncrypted | setEncrypt | |
setUserPassword | setUserPassword | |
setOwnerPassword | setOwnerPassword | |
setNoPrint | setNoPrint | |
setNoModify | setNoModify | |
setNoCopy | setNoCopy | |
setPageLayout | setPageLayout | use "single-page" instead CONTINUOUS; CONTINUOUS and CONTINUOUS_FACING are not supported in API v2 |
setPageMode | setPageMode | use "full-screen" instead FULLSCREEN |
setInitialPdfZoomType | setInitialZoomType | values mapping: FIT_WIDTH ⇒ "fit-width" FIT_HEIGHT ⇒ "fit-height" FIT_PAGE ⇒ "fit-page" |
setInitialPdfExactZoom | setInitialZoom | |
setPdfScalingFactor | setScaleFactor | multiply value by 100 for API v2 |
setAuthor | setAuthor | |
setWatermark | setPageWatermark setMultipageWatermark |
API v1 uses a raster image, API v2 uses a PDF file |
setWatermarkInBackground | setPageBackground setMultipageBackground |
API v1 uses a raster image, API v2 uses a PDF file |
useSSL | setUseHttp | invert the argument value |
numTokens | getRemainingCreditCount | numTokens method returns the credit count always, getRemainingCreditCount returns the credit count after a successful conversion only |
setMaxPages | setPrintPageRange | API v2 allows a range, so use "-N" for the first N pages |
setFailOnNon200 | setFailOnMainUrlError setFailOnAnyUrlError |
API client instantiation:
// Node.js
var client_v1 = new pdf.Pdfcrowd("username", "apikey");
var client_v2 = new pdfcrowd.HtmlToPdfClient("username", "apikey");
The API v1 client uses a dictionary of options. API v2 uses methods on the client object.
// API v1
pdf.saveToFile("example.pdf"), {
width: "11in",
height: "8.5in",
user_print_media: true,
// API v2
function(err, fileName) {
if (err) return console.error("Pdfcrowd Error: " + err);
// success, pdf was saved to fileName
See the HTML to PDF API v2 - Node.js documentation for more examples.
The following table maps API v1 options to API v2 methods. The mapping of the convert*** methods is here.
API v1 | API v2 | Details |
width | setPageWidth | see Units |
height | setPageHeight | see Units |
margin_top | setMarginTop | see Units |
margin_right | setMarginRight | see Units |
margin_bottom | setMarginBottom | see Units |
margin_left | setMarginLeft | see Units |
hmargin | setMarginTop setMarginBottom |
see Units |
vmargin | setMarginLeft setMarginRight |
see Units |
footer_html | setFooterHtml | see Header and footer variables |
footer_url | setFooterUrl | see Header and footer variables |
header_html | setHeaderHtml | see Header and footer variables |
header_url | setHeaderUrl | see Header and footer variables |
header_footer_page_exclude_list | setExcludeHeaderOnPages setExcludeFooterOnPages |
page_numbering_offset | setPageNumberingOffset | |
no_images | setDisableImageLoading | |
no_backgrounds | setNoBackground | |
no_javascript | setDisableJavascript | |
text_encoding | setDefaultEncoding | API v1 default is "utf-8", API v2 default is auto detect |
use_print_media | setUsePrintMedia | |
encrypted | setEncrypt | |
author | setAuthor | |
user_pwd | setUserPassword | |
owner_pwd | setOwnerPassword | |
no_print | setNoPrint | |
no_modify | setNoModify | |
no_copy | setNoCopy | |
page_layout | setPageLayout | use "single-page" instead 1; 2 and 3 are not supported in API v2 |
initial_pdf_zoom_type | setInitialZoomType | values mapping: 1 ⇒ "fit-width" 2 ⇒ "fit-height" 3 ⇒ "fit-page" 4 is not supported |
initial_pdf_zoom | setInitialZoom | |
page_mode | setPageMode | values mapping: 1 is not supported 2 ⇒ "thumbnails" 3 ⇒ "full-screen" |
max_pages | setPrintPageRange | API v2 allows a range, so use "-N" for the first N pages |
pdf_scaling_factor | setScaleFactor | multiply value by 100 for API v2 |
watermark_url | setPageWatermark setMultipageWatermark |
API v1 uses a raster image, API v2 uses a PDF file |
watermark_in_background | setPageBackground setMultipageBackground |
API v1 uses a raster image, API v2 uses a PDF file |
fail_on_non200 | setFailOnMainUrlError setFailOnAnyUrlError |
HTTP access
The API v2 endpoint is https://api.pdfcrowd.com/convert/
The authentication method for user credentials is HTTP Basic Access Authentication.
Convert URL
# API v1
curl -F "username=username" -F "key=apikey" \
-F 'src=http://example.com' \
-o example.pdf \
# API v2
curl -f -u "username:apikey" \
-F "url=http://www.example.com" \
-o example.pdf \
Convert file
# API v1
curl -F "username=username" -F "key=apikey" \
-F 'src=@example.html' \
-o example.pdf \
# API v2
curl -f -u "username:apikey" \
-F "file=@example.html" \
-o example.pdf \
Convert string
# API v1
curl -F "username=username" -F "key=apikey" \
-F "src=<html><body><h1>Hello World!</h1></body></html>" \
-o hello.pdf \
# API v2
curl -f -u "username:apikey" \
-F "text=<html><body><h1>Hello World!</h1></body></html>" \
-o hello.pdf \
The following table maps API v1 options to API v2 options.
API v1 | API v2 | Details |
width | page_width | see Units |
height | page_height | see Units |
margin_top | margin_top | see Units |
margin_right | margin_right | see Units |
margin_bottom | margin_bottom | see Units |
margin_left | margin_left | see Units |
hmargin | margin_top margin_bottom |
see Units |
vmargin | margin_left margin_right |
see Units |
footer_html | footer_html | see Header and footer variables |
footer_url | footer_url | see Header and footer variables |
header_html | header_html | see Header and footer variables |
header_url | header_url | see Header and footer variables |
header_footer_page_exclude_list | exclude_header_on_pages exclude_footer_on_pages |
page_numbering_offset | page_numbering_offset | |
no_images | disable_image_loading | |
no_backgrounds | no_background | |
no_javascript | disable_javascript | |
text_encoding | default_encoding | API v1 defaults to "utf-8", API v2 tries to auto-detect the encoding |
use_print_media | use_print_media | |
encrypted | encrypt | |
author | author | |
user_pwd | user_password | |
owner_pwd | owner_password | |
no_print | no_print | |
no_modify | no_modify | |
no_copy | no_copy | |
page_layout | page_layout | use "single-page" instead 1; 2 and 3 are not supported in API v2 |
initial_pdf_zoom_type | initial_zoom_type | values mapping: 1 ⇒ "fit-width" 2 ⇒ "fit-height" 3 ⇒ "fit-page" 4 is not supported |
initial_pdf_zoom | initial_zoom | |
page_mode | page_mode | values mapping: 1 is not supported 2 ⇒ "thumbnails" 3 ⇒ "full-screen" |
max_pages | print_page_range | API v2 allows a range, so use "-N" for the first N pages |
pdf_name | output_name | |
pdf_scaling_factor | scale_factor | multiply value by 100 for API v2 |
watermark_url | page_watermark multipage_watermark |
API v1 uses a raster image, API v2 uses a PDF file |
watermark_in_background | page_background multipage_background |
API v1 uses a raster image, API v2 uses a PDF file |
fail_on_non200 | fail_on_main_url_error fail_on_any_url_error |
content_disposition | content_disposition |
Header and footer
Replace variables with HTML classes:
%u ⇒ pdfcrowd-source-url
%p ⇒ pdfcrowd-page-number
%n ⇒ pdfcrowd-page-count
<!-- API v1 -->
Page %p of %n.
<!-- API v2 -->
Page <span class='pdfcrowd-page-number'></span> of <span class='pdfcrowd-page-count'></span>.
API v1 places headers and footers to the margin area. API v2 places them to the printing area. The height of the header and footer can be set with setHeaderHeight and setFooterHeight.
API v1 allows to specify a unit-less numeric value that is interpreted as points (1/72 of an inch). API v2 doesn't allow this, the value must be specified with a mm, in, cm or pt suffix.
New API v2 methods | API v1 methods having no counterpart in API v2 |
New API v2 options | API v1 options having no counterpart in API v2 |