The new version brings new features, bug fixes and support for latest web standards.
We also released a new version of Pdfcrowd API client libraries (version 5.0.0) that use the new 20.10 converter. You can learn more about Pdfcrowd versioning.
New options available in version 20.10:
- setConverterVersion
- setLoadIframes
- setLocale
- setNoHeaderFooterHorizontalMargins
- setCssPageRuleMode
- setLayoutDpi
- setContentsMatrix
- setHeaderMatrix
- setFooterMatrix
- setDisablePageHeightOptimization
- setHeaderFooterCssAnnotation
- setMainDocumentCssAnnotation
- setBackgroundColor [html_to_image]
- libPdfcrowd.js
- insertStyle accepts new argument "destination"