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Use Pdfcrowd API with Postman

Postman is a platform for using APIs. You can use it to interact with the Pdfcrowd API and convert between PDF, HTML and various image formats.

Let's first configure the API endpoint and the credentials. This configuration is common for all conversion types.

API endpoint - Select the HTTP POST method and enter the API endpoint: https://api.pdfcrowd.com/convert/

Postman - Pdfcrowd API endpoint

API credentials. The authorization method is Basic Auth. You can use either the demo credentials or your personal API credentials.


Postman - Pdfcrowd API credentials

The demo account credentials are:

  • username: demo
  • API key: ce544b6ea52a5621fb9d55f8b542d14d.

If you have a Pdfcrowd account, you can find your personal API credentials in your account. Enter your Pdfcrowd username to the Username field and your API key to the Password field.


To convert a web page to PDF, switch to the Body tab, check the "form-data" option and specify the conversion parameters:

Postman - Web page to PDF

To convert a local HTML file, replace the url parameter with the file parameter and set the Key type to File.

Postman - HTML file to PDF

You can find the documentation of all available parameters in our HTML to PDF HTTP reference. Refer also to our HTML to PDF HTTP API documentation for general information.

HTML to Image

Conversion of a web page or a local HTML file to an image is similar, just add the output_format parameter and specify the image format.

Postman - HTML to Image

For details refer to our HTML to Image HTTP documentation and the HTML to Image HTTP reference.