PDF to Text / Node.js Reference

class PdfToTextClient

All setter methods return PdfToTextClient object unless specified otherwise.


function PdfToTextClient(userName, apiKey)
Constructor for the Pdfcrowd API client.
Your username at Pdfcrowd.
Your API key.

Conversion Input

function convertUrl(url, callbacks)
Convert a PDF.
The address of the PDF to convert.
The supported protocols are http:// and https://.
The object that defines the following functions:
  • data(readStream) - called when the output data can be read from readStream
  • error(message, statusCode) - called when an error occurs
  • end() - called when the conversion finishes
The client library provides 2 helper functions that can be used here:
  • saveToFile(filePath[, callback]) - saves the output data to a file
    • filePath - the output file path
    • callback(err, filePath) - called when the conversion finishes
  • sendGenericHttpResponse(response, contentType, fileName[, disposition]) - sends the generated output in an HTTP response
    • response - the response object
    • contentType - the response content type
    • fileName - the desired file name
    • disposition - the response content disposition, can be "attachment" or "inline", the default is "attachment".
function convertUrlToFile(url, filePath, callback)
Convert a PDF and write the result to a local file.
The address of the PDF to convert.
The supported protocols are http:// and https://.
The output file path.
The callback(error, filePath) function is called when the conversion finishes. The error object is present if an error occurred, filePath is the output file path.
function convertFile(file, callbacks)
Convert a local file.
The path to a local file to convert.
The file must exist and not be empty.
The object that defines the following functions:
  • data(readStream) - called when the output data can be read from readStream
  • error(message, statusCode) - called when an error occurs
  • end() - called when the conversion finishes
The client library provides 2 helper functions that can be used here:
  • saveToFile(filePath[, callback]) - saves the output data to a file
    • filePath - the output file path
    • callback(err, filePath) - called when the conversion finishes
  • sendGenericHttpResponse(response, contentType, fileName[, disposition]) - sends the generated output in an HTTP response
    • response - the response object
    • contentType - the response content type
    • fileName - the desired file name
    • disposition - the response content disposition, can be "attachment" or "inline", the default is "attachment".
function convertFileToFile(file, filePath, callback)
Convert a local file and write the result to a local file.
The path to a local file to convert.
The file must exist and not be empty.
The output file path.
The callback(error, filePath) function is called when the conversion finishes. The error object is present if an error occurred, filePath is the output file path.
function convertRawData(data, callbacks)
Convert raw data.
The raw content to be converted.
The object that defines the following functions:
  • data(readStream) - called when the output data can be read from readStream
  • error(message, statusCode) - called when an error occurs
  • end() - called when the conversion finishes
The client library provides 2 helper functions that can be used here:
  • saveToFile(filePath[, callback]) - saves the output data to a file
    • filePath - the output file path
    • callback(err, filePath) - called when the conversion finishes
  • sendGenericHttpResponse(response, contentType, fileName[, disposition]) - sends the generated output in an HTTP response
    • response - the response object
    • contentType - the response content type
    • fileName - the desired file name
    • disposition - the response content disposition, can be "attachment" or "inline", the default is "attachment".
function convertRawDataToFile(data, filePath, callback)
Convert raw data to a file.
The raw content to be converted.
The output file path.
The callback(error, filePath) function is called when the conversion finishes. The error object is present if an error occurred, filePath is the output file path.
function convertStream(inStream, callbacks)
Convert the contents of an input stream.
The input stream with source data.
The object that defines the following functions:
  • data(readStream) - called when the output data can be read from readStream
  • error(message, statusCode) - called when an error occurs
  • end() - called when the conversion finishes
The client library provides 2 helper functions that can be used here:
  • saveToFile(filePath[, callback]) - saves the output data to a file
    • filePath - the output file path
    • callback(err, filePath) - called when the conversion finishes
  • sendGenericHttpResponse(response, contentType, fileName[, disposition]) - sends the generated output in an HTTP response
    • response - the response object
    • contentType - the response content type
    • fileName - the desired file name
    • disposition - the response content disposition, can be "attachment" or "inline", the default is "attachment".
function convertStreamToFile(inStream, filePath, callback)
Convert the contents of an input stream and write the result to a local file.
The input stream with source data.
The output file path.
The callback(error, filePath) function is called when the conversion finishes. The error object is present if an error occurred, filePath is the output file path.

General Options

function setPdfPassword(password)
The password to open the encrypted PDF file.
The input PDF password.
function setPrintPageRange(pages)
Set the page range to print.
A comma separated list of page numbers or ranges.
  • Just the second page is printed.
  • The first and the third page are printed.
  • Everything except the first page is printed.
  • Just first 3 pages are printed.
  • Pages 3, 6, 7, 8 and 9 are printed.
function setNoLayout(value)
Ignore the original PDF layout.
Set to true to ignore the layout.
Default: false
function setEol(eol)
The end-of-line convention for the text output.
Allowed values:
  • unix
    Unix convension "LF" is used.
  • dos
    Dos convension "CR LF" is used.
  • mac
    Mac convension "CR" is used.
Default: unix
function setPageBreakMode(mode)
Specify the page break mode for the text output.
Allowed values:
  • none
    No page breaks are inserted.
  • default
    The standard page break code "FF" is used.
  • custom
    A custom page break is used.
Default: none
function setCustomPageBreak(pageBreak)
Specify the custom page break.
String to insert between the pages.
  • setCustomPageBreak("END OF PAGE")
  • setCustomPageBreak("----my page break---- ")
function setParagraphMode(mode)
Specify the paragraph detection mode.
Allowed values:
  • none
    No paragraph detection.
  • bounding-box
    Paragraph detection based on line bounding boxes.
  • characters
    Paragraph detection based on the number of characters in the line.
Default: none
function setLineSpacingThreshold(threshold)
Set the maximum line spacing when the paragraph detection mode is enabled.
The value must be a positive integer percentage.
Default: 10%
function setRemoveHyphenation(value)
Remove the hyphen character from the end of lines.
Set to true to remove hyphens.
Default: false
function setRemoveEmptyLines(value)
Remove empty lines from the text output.
Set to true to remove empty lines.
Default: false
function setCropAreaX(x)
Set the top left X coordinate of the crop area in points.
Must be a positive integer number or 0.
Default: 0
  • setCropAreaX(100)
function setCropAreaY(y)
Set the top left Y coordinate of the crop area in points.
Must be a positive integer number or 0.
Default: 0
  • setCropAreaY(100)
function setCropAreaWidth(width)
Set the width of the crop area in points.
Must be a positive integer number or 0.
Default: PDF page width.
  • setCropAreaWidth(100)
function setCropAreaHeight(height)
Set the height of the crop area in points.
Must be a positive integer number or 0.
Default: PDF page height.
  • setCropAreaHeight(100)
function setCropArea(x, y, width, height)
Set the crop area. It allows to extract just a part of a PDF page.
Set the top left X coordinate of the crop area in points.
Must be a positive integer number or 0.
Default: 0
Set the top left Y coordinate of the crop area in points.
Must be a positive integer number or 0.
Default: 0
Set the width of the crop area in points.
Must be a positive integer number or 0.
Default: PDF page width.
Set the height of the crop area in points.
Must be a positive integer number or 0.
Default: PDF page height.


function setDebugLog(value)
Turn on the debug logging. Details about the conversion are stored in the debug log. The URL of the log can be obtained from the getDebugLogUrl method or available in conversion statistics.
Set to true to enable the debug logging.
Default: false
function getDebugLogUrl()
Get the URL of the debug log for the last conversion.
  • string - The link to the debug log.
function getRemainingCreditCount()
Get the number of conversion credits available in your account.
This method can only be called after a call to one of the convertXtoY methods.
The returned value can differ from the actual count if you run parallel conversions.
The special value 999999 is returned if the information is not available.
  • int - The number of credits.
function getConsumedCreditCount()
Get the number of credits consumed by the last conversion.
  • int - The number of credits.
function getJobId()
Get the job id.
  • string - The unique job identifier.
function getPageCount()
Get the number of pages in the output document.
  • int - The page count.
function getOutputSize()
Get the size of the output in bytes.
  • int - The count of bytes.
function getVersion()
Get the version details.
  • string - API version, converter version, and client version.
function setTag(tag)
Tag the conversion with a custom value. The tag is used in conversion statistics. A value longer than 32 characters is cut off.
A string with the custom tag.
  • setTag("client-1234")
function setHttpProxy(proxy)
A proxy server used by Pdfcrowd conversion process for accessing the source URLs with HTTP scheme. It can help to circumvent regional restrictions or provide limited access to your intranet.
The value must have format DOMAIN_OR_IP_ADDRESS:PORT.
  • setHttpProxy("myproxy.com:8080")
  • setHttpProxy("")
function setHttpsProxy(proxy)
A proxy server used by Pdfcrowd conversion process for accessing the source URLs with HTTPS scheme. It can help to circumvent regional restrictions or provide limited access to your intranet.
The value must have format DOMAIN_OR_IP_ADDRESS:PORT.
  • setHttpsProxy("myproxy.com:443")
  • setHttpsProxy("")

API Client Options

function setUseHttp(value)
Specifies if the client communicates over HTTP or HTTPS with Pdfcrowd API.
Set to true to use HTTP.
Default: false


Using HTTP is insecure as data sent over HTTP is not encrypted. Enable this option only if you know what you are doing.

function setClientUserAgent(agent)
Specifies the User-Agent HTTP header that the client library will use when interacting with the API.
Availability: API client >= 6.4.0 See versioning.
The user agent string.
function setUserAgent(agent)
Deprecated Replaced with: setClientUserAgent()
Set a custom user agent HTTP header. It can be useful if you are behind a proxy or a firewall.
The user agent string.
Default: pdfcrowd_nodejs_client/6.4.0 (https://pdfcrowd.com)
function setProxy(host, port, userName, password)
Specifies an HTTP proxy that the API client library will use to connect to the internet.
The proxy hostname.
The proxy port.
The username.
The password.
function setRetryCount(count)
Specifies the number of automatic retries when the 502 or 503 HTTP status code is received. The status code indicates a temporary network issue. This feature can be disabled by setting to 0.
Number of retries.
Default: 1
  • setRetryCount(3)