PDF to Image Command Line Reference

Conversion from PDF to image.

usage: pdf2image [options] source
Source to be converted. It can be URL, path to a local file or '-' to use stdin as an input text.


Conversion Format

The format of the output file.
Allowed values:
  • png
  • jpg
  • gif
  • tiff
  • bmp
  • ico
  • ppm
  • pgm
  • pbm
  • pnm
  • psb
  • pct
  • ras
  • tga
  • sgi
  • sun
  • webp
Default: png

General Options

Password to open the encrypted PDF file.
Set the page range to print.
  • A comma separated list of page numbers or ranges.
  • Just the second page is printed.
  • The first and the third page are printed.
  • Everything except the first page is printed.
  • Just first 3 pages are printed.
  • Pages 3, 6, 7, 8 and 9 are printed.
Set the output graphics DPI.
Availability: API client >= 5.16.0, converter >= 20.10. See versioning.
Default: 144
Enforces the zip output format.
Allowed values:
  • true, 1 or on
  • false, 0 or off
Default: False
Use the crop box rather than media box.
Allowed values:
  • true, 1 or on
  • false, 0 or off
Default: False
Set the top left X coordinate of the crop area in points.
  • Must be a positive integer number or 0.
Default: 0
  • 100
Set the top left Y coordinate of the crop area in points.
  • Must be a positive integer number or 0.
Default: 0
  • 100
Set the width of the crop area in points.
  • Must be a positive integer number or 0.
Default: PDF page width.
  • 100
Set the height of the crop area in points.
  • Must be a positive integer number or 0.
Default: PDF page height.
  • 100
Generate a grayscale image.
Allowed values:
  • true, 1 or on
  • false, 0 or off
Default: False


Turn on the debug logging. Details about the conversion are stored in the debug log. The URL of the log can be obtained from the getDebugLogUrl method or available in conversion statistics.
Allowed values:
  • true, 1 or on
  • false, 0 or off
Default: False
Tag the conversion with a custom value. The tag is used in conversion statistics. A value longer than 32 characters is cut off.
  • "client-1234"
A proxy server used by Pdfcrowd conversion process for accessing the source URLs with HTTP scheme. It can help to circumvent regional restrictions or provide limited access to your intranet.
  • The value must have format DOMAIN_OR_IP_ADDRESS:PORT.
  • "myproxy.com:8080"
  • ""
A proxy server used by Pdfcrowd conversion process for accessing the source URLs with HTTPS scheme. It can help to circumvent regional restrictions or provide limited access to your intranet.
  • The value must have format DOMAIN_OR_IP_ADDRESS:PORT.
  • "myproxy.com:443"
  • ""