Image to PDF / Golang Reference

class ImageToPdfClient

All setter methods return ImageToPdfClient object unless specified otherwise.


func NewImageToPdfClient(userName string, apiKey string) ImageToPdfClient
Constructor for the Pdfcrowd API client.
Your username at Pdfcrowd.
Your API key.

Conversion Input

func (client *ImageToPdfClient) ConvertUrl(url string) ([]byte, error)
Convert an image.
The address of the image to convert.
The supported protocols are http:// and https://.
  • []byte - Byte array containing the conversion output.
func (client *ImageToPdfClient) ConvertUrlToStream(url string, outStream io.Writer) error
Convert an image and write the result to an output stream.
The address of the image to convert.
The supported protocols are http:// and https://.
The output stream that will contain the conversion output.
func (client *ImageToPdfClient) ConvertUrlToFile(url string, filePath string) error
Convert an image and write the result to a local file.
The address of the image to convert.
The supported protocols are http:// and https://.
The output file path.
func (client *ImageToPdfClient) ConvertFile(file string) ([]byte, error)
Convert a local file.
The path to a local file to convert.
The file must exist and not be empty.
  • []byte - Byte array containing the conversion output.
func (client *ImageToPdfClient) ConvertFileToStream(file string, outStream io.Writer) error
Convert a local file and write the result to an output stream.
The path to a local file to convert.
The file must exist and not be empty.
The output stream that will contain the conversion output.
func (client *ImageToPdfClient) ConvertFileToFile(file string, filePath string) error
Convert a local file and write the result to a local file.
The path to a local file to convert.
The file must exist and not be empty.
The output file path.
func (client *ImageToPdfClient) ConvertRawData(data []byte) ([]byte, error)
Convert raw data.
The raw content to be converted.
  • []byte - Byte array with the output.
func (client *ImageToPdfClient) ConvertRawDataToStream(data []byte, outStream io.Writer) error
Convert raw data and write the result to an output stream.
The raw content to be converted.
The output stream that will contain the conversion output.
func (client *ImageToPdfClient) ConvertRawDataToFile(data []byte, filePath string) error
Convert raw data to a file.
The raw content to be converted.
The output file path.
func (client *ImageToPdfClient) ConvertStream(inStream io.Reader) ([]byte, error)
Convert the contents of an input stream.
The input stream with source data.
  • []byte - Byte array containing the conversion output.
func (client *ImageToPdfClient) ConvertStreamToStream(inStream io.Reader, outStream io.Writer) error
Convert the contents of an input stream and write the result to an output stream.
The input stream with source data.
The output stream that will contain the conversion output.
func (client *ImageToPdfClient) ConvertStreamToFile(inStream io.Reader, filePath string) error
Convert the contents of an input stream and write the result to a local file.
The input stream with source data.
The output file path.

Image Operations

Settings used for operations with images.

func (client *ImageToPdfClient) SetResize(resize string) *ImageToPdfClient
Resize the image.
The resize percentage or new image dimensions.
Default: 100%
  • SetResize("200%")
  • SetResize("1024x768")
func (client *ImageToPdfClient) SetRotate(rotate string) *ImageToPdfClient
Rotate the image.
The rotation specified in degrees.
Default: 0
func (client *ImageToPdfClient) SetCropAreaX(x string) *ImageToPdfClient
Set the top left X coordinate of the content area. It is relative to the top left X coordinate of the print area.
The value must be specified in inches "in", millimeters "mm", centimeters "cm", pixels "px", or points "pt".
Default: 0px
  • SetCropAreaX("-1in")
  • SetCropAreaX("2.5cm")
func (client *ImageToPdfClient) SetCropAreaY(y string) *ImageToPdfClient
Set the top left Y coordinate of the content area. It is relative to the top left Y coordinate of the print area.
The value must be specified in inches "in", millimeters "mm", centimeters "cm", pixels "px", or points "pt".
Default: 0px
  • SetCropAreaY("-1in")
  • SetCropAreaY("2.5cm")
func (client *ImageToPdfClient) SetCropAreaWidth(width string) *ImageToPdfClient
Set the width of the content area. It should be at least 1 inch.
The value must be specified in inches "in", millimeters "mm", centimeters "cm", pixels "px", or points "pt".
Default: The width of the print area.
  • SetCropAreaWidth("8in")
  • SetCropAreaWidth("25cm")
func (client *ImageToPdfClient) SetCropAreaHeight(height string) *ImageToPdfClient
Set the height of the content area. It should be at least 1 inch.
The value must be specified in inches "in", millimeters "mm", centimeters "cm", pixels "px", or points "pt".
Default: The height of the print area.
  • SetCropAreaHeight("8in")
  • SetCropAreaHeight("25cm")
func (client *ImageToPdfClient) SetCropArea(x string, y string, width string, height string) *ImageToPdfClient
Set the content area position and size. The content area enables to specify the part to be converted.
Set the top left X coordinate of the content area. It is relative to the top left X coordinate of the print area.
The value must be specified in inches "in", millimeters "mm", centimeters "cm", pixels "px", or points "pt".
Default: 0px
Set the top left Y coordinate of the content area. It is relative to the top left Y coordinate of the print area.
The value must be specified in inches "in", millimeters "mm", centimeters "cm", pixels "px", or points "pt".
Default: 0px
Set the width of the content area. It should be at least 1 inch.
The value must be specified in inches "in", millimeters "mm", centimeters "cm", pixels "px", or points "pt".
Default: The width of the print area.
Set the height of the content area. It should be at least 1 inch.
The value must be specified in inches "in", millimeters "mm", centimeters "cm", pixels "px", or points "pt".
Default: The height of the print area.
func (client *ImageToPdfClient) SetRemoveBorders(value bool) *ImageToPdfClient
Remove borders of an image which does not change in color.
Set to true to remove borders.
Default: false

Page Setup

func (client *ImageToPdfClient) SetPageSize(size string) *ImageToPdfClient
Set the output page size.
Allowed values:
  • A0
  • A1
  • A2
  • A3
  • A4
  • A5
  • A6
  • Letter
func (client *ImageToPdfClient) SetPageWidth(width string) *ImageToPdfClient
Set the output page width.
The value must be specified in inches "in", millimeters "mm", centimeters "cm", pixels "px", or points "pt".
  • SetPageWidth("300mm")
  • SetPageWidth("9.5in")
func (client *ImageToPdfClient) SetPageHeight(height string) *ImageToPdfClient
Set the output page height.
The value must be specified in inches "in", millimeters "mm", centimeters "cm", pixels "px", or points "pt".
  • SetPageHeight("15.25in")
  • SetPageHeight("350mm")
func (client *ImageToPdfClient) SetPageDimensions(width string, height string) *ImageToPdfClient
Set the output page dimensions. If no page size is specified, margins are applied as a border around the image.
Set the output page width.
The value must be specified in inches "in", millimeters "mm", centimeters "cm", pixels "px", or points "pt".
Set the output page height.
The value must be specified in inches "in", millimeters "mm", centimeters "cm", pixels "px", or points "pt".
  • SetPageDimensions("300mm", "350mm")
  • SetPageDimensions("9.5in", "15.25in")
  • SetPageDimensions("372mm", "520pt")
func (client *ImageToPdfClient) SetOrientation(orientation string) *ImageToPdfClient
Set the output page orientation.
Allowed values:
  • landscape
  • portrait
Default: portrait
func (client *ImageToPdfClient) SetPosition(position string) *ImageToPdfClient
Set the image position on the page.
Allowed values:
  • center
  • top
  • bottom
  • left
  • right
  • top-left
  • top-right
  • bottom-left
  • bottom-right
Default: center
func (client *ImageToPdfClient) SetPrintPageMode(mode string) *ImageToPdfClient
Set the mode to print the image on the content area of the page.
Allowed values:
  • default
    No image scaling.
  • fit
    Fit image to page with aspect ratio.
  • stretch
    Stretch image to the page with no aspect ratio.
Default: default
func (client *ImageToPdfClient) SetMarginTop(top string) *ImageToPdfClient
Set the output page top margin.
The value must be specified in inches "in", millimeters "mm", centimeters "cm", pixels "px", or points "pt".
  • SetMarginTop("1in")
  • SetMarginTop("2.5cm")
func (client *ImageToPdfClient) SetMarginRight(right string) *ImageToPdfClient
Set the output page right margin.
The value must be specified in inches "in", millimeters "mm", centimeters "cm", pixels "px", or points "pt".
  • SetMarginRight("1in")
  • SetMarginRight("2.5cm")
func (client *ImageToPdfClient) SetMarginBottom(bottom string) *ImageToPdfClient
Set the output page bottom margin.
The value must be specified in inches "in", millimeters "mm", centimeters "cm", pixels "px", or points "pt".
  • SetMarginBottom("1in")
  • SetMarginBottom("2.5cm")
func (client *ImageToPdfClient) SetMarginLeft(left string) *ImageToPdfClient
Set the output page left margin.
The value must be specified in inches "in", millimeters "mm", centimeters "cm", pixels "px", or points "pt".
  • SetMarginLeft("1in")
  • SetMarginLeft("2.5cm")
func (client *ImageToPdfClient) SetPageMargins(top string, right string, bottom string, left string) *ImageToPdfClient
Set the output page margins.
Set the output page top margin.
The value must be specified in inches "in", millimeters "mm", centimeters "cm", pixels "px", or points "pt".
Set the output page right margin.
The value must be specified in inches "in", millimeters "mm", centimeters "cm", pixels "px", or points "pt".
Set the output page bottom margin.
The value must be specified in inches "in", millimeters "mm", centimeters "cm", pixels "px", or points "pt".
Set the output page left margin.
The value must be specified in inches "in", millimeters "mm", centimeters "cm", pixels "px", or points "pt".
func (client *ImageToPdfClient) SetPageBackgroundColor(color string) *ImageToPdfClient
The page background color in RGB or RGBA hexadecimal format. The color fills the entire page regardless of the margins. If not page size is specified and the image format supports background (e.g. PDF, PNG), the background color is applied too.
The value must be in RRGGBB or RRGGBBAA hexadecimal format.
  • red color
  • green color
  • green color with 50% opacity
func (client *ImageToPdfClient) SetDpi(dpi int) *ImageToPdfClient
Set the DPI resolution of the input image. The DPI affects margin options specified in points too (e.g. 1 point is equal to 1 pixel in 96 DPI).
The DPI value.
Default: 96
  • The DPI used for printers. 1 inch contains 300 points.

Watermark & Background

func (client *ImageToPdfClient) SetPageWatermark(watermark string) *ImageToPdfClient
Apply a watermark to each page of the output PDF file. A watermark can be either a PDF or an image. If a multi-page file (PDF or TIFF) is used, the first page is used as the watermark.
The file path to a local file.
The file must exist and not be empty.
  • SetPageWatermark("/home/user/john/watermark.pdf")
  • SetPageWatermark("/home/user/john/watermark.png")
func (client *ImageToPdfClient) SetPageWatermarkUrl(url string) *ImageToPdfClient
Load a file from the specified URL and apply the file as a watermark to each page of the output PDF. A watermark can be either a PDF or an image. If a multi-page file (PDF or TIFF) is used, the first page is used as the watermark.
The supported protocols are http:// and https://.
  • SetPageWatermarkUrl("")
  • SetPageWatermarkUrl("")
func (client *ImageToPdfClient) SetMultipageWatermark(watermark string) *ImageToPdfClient
Apply each page of a watermark to the corresponding page of the output PDF. A watermark can be either a PDF or an image.
The file path to a local file.
The file must exist and not be empty.
  • SetMultipageWatermark("/home/user/john/watermark.pdf")
  • SetMultipageWatermark("/home/user/john/watermark.png")
func (client *ImageToPdfClient) SetMultipageWatermarkUrl(url string) *ImageToPdfClient
Load a file from the specified URL and apply each page of the file as a watermark to the corresponding page of the output PDF. A watermark can be either a PDF or an image.
The supported protocols are http:// and https://.
  • SetMultipageWatermarkUrl("")
  • SetMultipageWatermarkUrl("")
func (client *ImageToPdfClient) SetPageBackground(background string) *ImageToPdfClient
Apply a background to each page of the output PDF file. A background can be either a PDF or an image. If a multi-page file (PDF or TIFF) is used, the first page is used as the background.
The file path to a local file.
The file must exist and not be empty.
  • SetPageBackground("/home/user/john/background.pdf")
  • SetPageBackground("/home/user/john/background.png")
func (client *ImageToPdfClient) SetPageBackgroundUrl(url string) *ImageToPdfClient
Load a file from the specified URL and apply the file as a background to each page of the output PDF. A background can be either a PDF or an image. If a multi-page file (PDF or TIFF) is used, the first page is used as the background.
The supported protocols are http:// and https://.
  • SetPageBackgroundUrl("")
  • SetPageBackgroundUrl("")
func (client *ImageToPdfClient) SetMultipageBackground(background string) *ImageToPdfClient
Apply each page of a background to the corresponding page of the output PDF. A background can be either a PDF or an image.
The file path to a local file.
The file must exist and not be empty.
  • SetMultipageBackground("/home/user/john/background.pdf")
  • SetMultipageBackground("/home/user/john/background.png")
func (client *ImageToPdfClient) SetMultipageBackgroundUrl(url string) *ImageToPdfClient
Load a file from the specified URL and apply each page of the file as a background to the corresponding page of the output PDF. A background can be either a PDF or an image.
The supported protocols are http:// and https://.
  • SetMultipageBackgroundUrl("")
  • SetMultipageBackgroundUrl("")

PDF Format

Miscellaneous values for PDF output.

func (client *ImageToPdfClient) SetLinearize(value bool) *ImageToPdfClient
Create linearized PDF. This is also known as Fast Web View.
Set to true to create linearized PDF.
Default: false
func (client *ImageToPdfClient) SetEncrypt(value bool) *ImageToPdfClient
Encrypt the PDF. This prevents search engines from indexing the contents.
Set to true to enable PDF encryption.
Default: false
func (client *ImageToPdfClient) SetUserPassword(password string) *ImageToPdfClient
Protect the PDF with a user password. When a PDF has a user password, it must be supplied in order to view the document and to perform operations allowed by the access permissions.
The user password.
  • SetUserPassword("123456")
func (client *ImageToPdfClient) SetOwnerPassword(password string) *ImageToPdfClient
Protect the PDF with an owner password. Supplying an owner password grants unlimited access to the PDF including changing the passwords and access permissions.
The owner password.
  • SetOwnerPassword("123456")
func (client *ImageToPdfClient) SetNoPrint(value bool) *ImageToPdfClient
Disallow printing of the output PDF.
Set to true to set the no-print flag in the output PDF.
Default: false
func (client *ImageToPdfClient) SetNoModify(value bool) *ImageToPdfClient
Disallow modification of the output PDF.
Set to true to set the read-only only flag in the output PDF.
Default: false
func (client *ImageToPdfClient) SetNoCopy(value bool) *ImageToPdfClient
Disallow text and graphics extraction from the output PDF.
Set to true to set the no-copy flag in the output PDF.
Default: false
func (client *ImageToPdfClient) SetTitle(title string) *ImageToPdfClient
Set the title of the PDF.
The title.
  • SetTitle("My Resume")
func (client *ImageToPdfClient) SetSubject(subject string) *ImageToPdfClient
Set the subject of the PDF.
The subject.
  • SetSubject("CV - Software Developer")
func (client *ImageToPdfClient) SetAuthor(author string) *ImageToPdfClient
Set the author of the PDF.
The author.
  • SetAuthor("John Doe")
func (client *ImageToPdfClient) SetKeywords(keywords string) *ImageToPdfClient
Associate keywords with the document.
The string with the keywords.
  • SetKeywords("software developer, Unix, databases")

Viewer Preferences

These preferences specify how a PDF viewer should present the document. The preferences may be ignored by some PDF viewers.

func (client *ImageToPdfClient) SetPageLayout(layout string) *ImageToPdfClient
Specify the page layout to be used when the document is opened.
Allowed values:
  • single-page
    Display one page at a time.
  • one-column
    Display the pages in one column.
  • two-column-left
    Display the pages in two columns, with odd-numbered pages on the left.
  • two-column-right
    Display the pages in two columns, with odd-numbered pages on the right.
func (client *ImageToPdfClient) SetPageMode(mode string) *ImageToPdfClient
Specify how the document should be displayed when opened.
Allowed values:
  • full-screen
    Full-screen mode.
  • thumbnails
    Thumbnail images are visible.
  • outlines
    Document outline is visible.
func (client *ImageToPdfClient) SetInitialZoomType(zoomType string) *ImageToPdfClient
Specify how the page should be displayed when opened.
Allowed values:
  • fit-width
    The page content is magnified just enough to fit the entire width of the page within the window.
  • fit-height
    The page content is magnified just enough to fit the entire height of the page within the window.
  • fit-page
    The page content is magnified just enough to fit the entire page within the window both horizontally and vertically. If the required horizontal and vertical magnification factors are different, use the smaller of the two, centering the page within the window in the other dimension.
func (client *ImageToPdfClient) SetInitialPage(page int) *ImageToPdfClient
Display the specified page when the document is opened.
Must be a positive integer number.
  • SetInitialPage(2)
func (client *ImageToPdfClient) SetInitialZoom(zoom int) *ImageToPdfClient
Specify the initial page zoom in percents when the document is opened.
Must be a positive integer number.
  • SetInitialZoom(50)
func (client *ImageToPdfClient) SetHideToolbar(value bool) *ImageToPdfClient
Specify whether to hide the viewer application's tool bars when the document is active.
Set to true to hide tool bars.
Default: false
func (client *ImageToPdfClient) SetHideMenubar(value bool) *ImageToPdfClient
Specify whether to hide the viewer application's menu bar when the document is active.
Set to true to hide the menu bar.
Default: false
func (client *ImageToPdfClient) SetHideWindowUi(value bool) *ImageToPdfClient
Specify whether to hide user interface elements in the document's window (such as scroll bars and navigation controls), leaving only the document's contents displayed.
Set to true to hide ui elements.
Default: false
func (client *ImageToPdfClient) SetFitWindow(value bool) *ImageToPdfClient
Specify whether to resize the document's window to fit the size of the first displayed page.
Set to true to resize the window.
Default: false
func (client *ImageToPdfClient) SetCenterWindow(value bool) *ImageToPdfClient
Specify whether to position the document's window in the center of the screen.
Set to true to center the window.
Default: false
func (client *ImageToPdfClient) SetDisplayTitle(value bool) *ImageToPdfClient
Specify whether the window's title bar should display the document title. If false , the title bar should instead display the name of the PDF file containing the document.
Set to true to display the title.
Default: false


func (client *ImageToPdfClient) SetDebugLog(value bool) *ImageToPdfClient
Turn on the debug logging. Details about the conversion are stored in the debug log. The URL of the log can be obtained from the getDebugLogUrl method or available in conversion statistics.
Set to true to enable the debug logging.
Default: false
func (client *ImageToPdfClient) GetDebugLogUrl() string
Get the URL of the debug log for the last conversion.
  • string - The link to the debug log.
func (client *ImageToPdfClient) GetRemainingCreditCount() int
Get the number of conversion credits available in your account.
This method can only be called after a call to one of the convertXtoY methods.
The returned value can differ from the actual count if you run parallel conversions.
The special value 999999 is returned if the information is not available.
  • int - The number of credits.
func (client *ImageToPdfClient) GetConsumedCreditCount() int
Get the number of credits consumed by the last conversion.
  • int - The number of credits.
func (client *ImageToPdfClient) GetJobId() string
Get the job id.
  • string - The unique job identifier.
func (client *ImageToPdfClient) GetOutputSize() int
Get the size of the output in bytes.
  • int - The count of bytes.
func (client *ImageToPdfClient) GetVersion() string
Get the version details.
  • string - API version, converter version, and client version.
func (client *ImageToPdfClient) SetTag(tag string) *ImageToPdfClient
Tag the conversion with a custom value. The tag is used in conversion statistics. A value longer than 32 characters is cut off.
A string with the custom tag.
  • SetTag("client-1234")
func (client *ImageToPdfClient) SetHttpProxy(proxy string) *ImageToPdfClient
A proxy server used by Pdfcrowd conversion process for accessing the source URLs with HTTP scheme. It can help to circumvent regional restrictions or provide limited access to your intranet.
The value must have format DOMAIN_OR_IP_ADDRESS:PORT.
  • SetHttpProxy("")
  • SetHttpProxy("")
func (client *ImageToPdfClient) SetHttpsProxy(proxy string) *ImageToPdfClient
A proxy server used by Pdfcrowd conversion process for accessing the source URLs with HTTPS scheme. It can help to circumvent regional restrictions or provide limited access to your intranet.
The value must have format DOMAIN_OR_IP_ADDRESS:PORT.
  • SetHttpsProxy("")
  • SetHttpsProxy("")

API Client Options

func (client *ImageToPdfClient) SetConverterVersion(version string) *ImageToPdfClient
Set the converter version. Different versions may produce different output. Choose which one provides the best output for your case.
Availability: API client >= 5.0.0. See versioning.
The version identifier.
Allowed values:
  • 24.04
    Version 24.04.
  • 20.10
    Version 20.10.
  • 18.10
    Version 18.10.
Default: 24.04
func (client *ImageToPdfClient) SetUseHttp(value bool) *ImageToPdfClient
Specifies if the client communicates over HTTP or HTTPS with Pdfcrowd API.
Set to true to use HTTP.
Default: false


Using HTTP is insecure as data sent over HTTP is not encrypted. Enable this option only if you know what you are doing.

func (client *ImageToPdfClient) SetClientUserAgent(agent string) *ImageToPdfClient
Specifies the User-Agent HTTP header that the client library will use when interacting with the API.
Availability: API client >= 6.4.0 See versioning.
The user agent string.
func (client *ImageToPdfClient) SetUserAgent(agent string) *ImageToPdfClient
Deprecated Replaced with: SetClientUserAgent()
Set a custom user agent HTTP header. It can be useful if you are behind a proxy or a firewall.
The user agent string.
Default: pdfcrowd_go_client/6.4.0 (
func (client *ImageToPdfClient) SetProxy(host string, port int, userName string, password string) *ImageToPdfClient
Specifies an HTTP proxy that the API client library will use to connect to the internet.
The proxy hostname.
The proxy port.
The username.
The password.
func (client *ImageToPdfClient) SetRetryCount(count int) *ImageToPdfClient
Specifies the number of automatic retries when the 502 or 503 HTTP status code is received. The status code indicates a temporary network issue. This feature can be disabled by setting to 0.
Number of retries.
Default: 1
  • SetRetryCount(3)