What's new in the API v2?
- The API implements the latest HTML5, CSS3 and JavaScript specifications.
- We added new converters that can convert between HTML, PDF and various image
- The API is highly available with automatic capacity scaling. It is hosted in
the Google Cloud Platform.
- New HTML to PDF features:
- Linearized PDFs for fast web view.
- Post-load DOM manipulation via custom JavaScript (remove, add and modify elements).
- A new option to specify a delay to wait before printing if the page loads dynamic content.
- A new option to send session specific information via cookies.
- A new option to print only a part of HTML content.
- Multi-page watermarks and backgrounds to allow filling in scanned PDF forms.
- Detailed conversion logs that can help with troubleshooting.
- Intuitive HTML zoom.
- The API solves many issues the current HTML to PDF converter had:
- Modern JavaScript charting libraries (Google Charts, Highcharts, etc.)
- Improved remote font support (Google Fonts, Typekit, etc.)
- CJK languages and complex
scripts (Arabic alphabet,
Brahmic scripts).
- Repeating <thead>, paletted PNG, inline SVG and many more.