This page contains various examples of using the Image to PDF API in Ruby. The examples are complete and fully functional. Read more about how to convert Image to PDF in Ruby.
require "pdfcrowd" begin # create the API client instance client ="your_username", "your_apikey") # run the conversion and write the result to a file client.convertFileToFile("/path/to/logo.png", "logo.pdf") rescue Pdfcrowd::Error => why STDERR.puts "Pdfcrowd Error: #{why}" raise end
require "pdfcrowd" begin # create the API client instance client ="your_username", "your_apikey") # run the conversion and store the result into the "pdf" variable pdf = client.convertFile("/path/to/logo.png") # at this point the "pdf" variable contains PDF raw data and # can be sent in an HTTP response, saved to a file, etc. rescue Pdfcrowd::Error => why STDERR.puts "Pdfcrowd Error: #{why}" raise end
require "pdfcrowd" begin # create the API client instance client ="your_username", "your_apikey") # create an output stream for the conversion result output_stream = open("logo.pdf", "wb") # run the conversion and write the result into the output stream client.convertFileToStream("/path/to/logo.png", output_stream) # close the output stream output_stream.close() rescue Pdfcrowd::Error => why STDERR.puts "Pdfcrowd Error: #{why}" raise end
require "pdfcrowd" begin # create the API client instance client ="your_username", "your_apikey") # run the conversion and write the result to a file client.convertUrlToFile("", "logo.pdf") rescue Pdfcrowd::Error => why STDERR.puts "Pdfcrowd Error: #{why}" raise end
require "pdfcrowd" begin # create the API client instance client ="your_username", "your_apikey") # run the conversion and store the result into the "pdf" variable pdf = client.convertUrl("") # at this point the "pdf" variable contains PDF raw data and # can be sent in an HTTP response, saved to a file, etc. rescue Pdfcrowd::Error => why STDERR.puts "Pdfcrowd Error: #{why}" raise end
require "pdfcrowd" begin # create the API client instance client ="your_username", "your_apikey") # create an output stream for the conversion result output_stream = open("logo.pdf", "wb") # run the conversion and write the result into the output stream client.convertUrlToStream("", output_stream) # close the output stream output_stream.close() rescue Pdfcrowd::Error => why STDERR.puts "Pdfcrowd Error: #{why}" raise end
require "pdfcrowd" begin # create the API client instance client ="your_username", "your_apikey") # run the conversion and write the result to a file client.convertRawDataToFile(open('/path/to/logo.png', 'rb').read(), "logo.pdf") rescue Pdfcrowd::Error => why STDERR.puts "Pdfcrowd Error: #{why}" raise end
require "pdfcrowd" begin # create the API client instance client ="your_username", "your_apikey") # run the conversion and store the result into the "pdf" variable pdf = client.convertRawData(open('/path/to/logo.png', 'rb').read()) # at this point the "pdf" variable contains PDF raw data and # can be sent in an HTTP response, saved to a file, etc. rescue Pdfcrowd::Error => why STDERR.puts "Pdfcrowd Error: #{why}" raise end
require "pdfcrowd" begin # create the API client instance client ="your_username", "your_apikey") # create an output stream for the conversion result output_stream = open("logo.pdf", "wb") # run the conversion and write the result into the output stream client.convertRawDataToStream(open('/path/to/logo.png', 'rb').read(), output_stream) # close the output stream output_stream.close() rescue Pdfcrowd::Error => why STDERR.puts "Pdfcrowd Error: #{why}" raise end
require "pdfcrowd" begin # create the API client instance client ="your_username", "your_apikey") # configure the conversion client.setDebugLog(true) # run the conversion and write the result to a file client.convertFileToFile("/path/to/logo.png", "logo.pdf") # print URL of the debug log puts "Debug log url: #{client.getDebugLogUrl()}" # print the number of conversion credits remaining in your account puts "Remaining credit count: #{client.getRemainingCreditCount()}" # print the number of credits used for the conversion puts "Consumed credit count: #{client.getConsumedCreditCount()}" # print the unique identifier for the conversion puts "Job id: #{client.getJobId()}" # print size of the output data in bytes puts "Output size: #{client.getOutputSize()}" rescue Pdfcrowd::Error => why STDERR.puts "Pdfcrowd Error: #{why}" raise end
require "pdfcrowd" class DemoController < ApplicationController def convert # the recommended method is POST # may be restricted by ":via => :post" in your routes.rb if ! return render text: "POST is allowed only", status: 400 end begin # create the API client instance client ="your_username", "your_apikey") # run the conversion and store the result into the "pdf" variable pdf = client.convertFile("/path/to/logo.png") # send the result and set HTTP response headers send_data pdf, :type => "application/pdf", :disposition => "attachment; filename*=UTF-8''#{ERB::Util.url_encode('logo.pdf')}" rescue Pdfcrowd::Error => why # send the error in the HTTP response render plain: why.getMessage(), status: why.getCode() end end end
require "pdfcrowd" class DemoController < ApplicationController def convert # the recommended method is POST # may be restricted by ":via => :post" in your routes.rb if ! return render text: "POST is allowed only", status: 400 end begin # create the API client instance client ="your_username", "your_apikey") # run the conversion and store the result into the "pdf" variable pdf = client.convertUrl("") # send the result and set HTTP response headers send_data pdf, :type => "application/pdf", :disposition => "attachment; filename*=UTF-8''#{ERB::Util.url_encode('logo.pdf')}" rescue Pdfcrowd::Error => why # send the error in the HTTP response render plain: why.getMessage(), status: why.getCode() end end end
require "pdfcrowd" class DemoController < ApplicationController def convert # the recommended method is POST # may be restricted by ":via => :post" in your routes.rb if ! return render text: "POST is allowed only", status: 400 end begin # create the API client instance client ="your_username", "your_apikey") # run the conversion and store the result into the "pdf" variable pdf = client.convertRawData(open('/path/to/logo.png', 'rb').read()) # send the result and set HTTP response headers send_data pdf, :type => "application/pdf", :disposition => "attachment; filename*=UTF-8''#{ERB::Util.url_encode('logo.pdf')}" rescue Pdfcrowd::Error => why # send the error in the HTTP response render plain: why.getMessage(), status: why.getCode() end end end